Newborn Options

 I offer posed studio, lifestyle in home and lifestyle in studio options for your newborn. Check out the samples below to see what might work best for your family!

Studio Newborn

Scheduled when your baby is under two weeks old. This type of session includes a more posed look to your baby’s portraits. Photos of them in an outfit, some swaddled portraits, and also poses unswaddled in a diaper (hidden) on beautiful fabrics. These poses typically require patience, time and some poses need to be done only when your baby is asleep. These sessions can take 2-3 hours.

In Home Newborn

Scheduled when your baby is under three weeks old. This type of session is held in your home, typically using two rooms. I look for the best natural light possible using window light. This session is a mix of half family half baby portraits. I use your home as the backdrop for all of the family photos and most of the baby photos. I bring a few props and 1-2 cozy throws for baby photos. Your baby will not be in a diaper or naked for these but in outfits and swaddles.

Studio Lifestyle Newborn

Scheduled when your baby is under four weeks old. This type of session includes a more natural look to your baby’s portraits. Photos of them in an outfit, interactive photos of them with parents, in a cozy basket and possibly swaddled if they need settling. These poses typically require less time and can be done in about an hour. Your baby can be awake or asleep for this session as long as they are content and fed. This session is ideal for older babies or even just a family who prefers less props and wants their baby more clothed.